Ways To Stop Bullying In Schools
- Ask the right questions
Many schools are starting at square one, talking to children about their definition of bullying. Some schools have put together seminars that ask students to define bullying before they communicate the school’s definition. These talks ensure that students have a clear understanding of the various shapes that bullying can take. It also helps administrators to understand the level of bullying at their school.
- Have regular informal conversations
While seminars and programs can be powerful teaching tools, one of the most effective ways to stop bullying in schools is to incorporate it into classroom conversations in a way that is informal and informational. This allows students to open up in a less structured, more conversational way.
- Include the parents
Bullying is not only confined to school grounds. In fact, cyber bullying is on the rise with profound consequences. Since so much of this behavior leaks from school time to home time it is vital to include parents in the conversation to ensure students have resources both at school and at home. It is also important that parents understand the schools definition of bullying and the punishments associated with these infractions to remove any “kids will be kids” misunderstandings.
- Make communication simple, easy and anonymous
Some schools have created Bullying Report Forms that kids can fill out and drop into anonymous drop boxes. This allows students to report behavior that they have witnessed without fear of social stigma or repercussions.
- Be a part of seminars, clubs, and boards
Students, parents, teachers and school administrators are working together to create a culture of anti-bullying and acceptance. Many schools understand that in order to succeed these efforts have to take root across the school, so they have created advisory boards that work to create awareness, host self esteem seminars and provide positive solutions to conflicts.
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