About Us
Nate McVicker

Tom Swip

Tony Pustizzi

Dave Grossman

Brian Clements

Brian Murphy

Frank DeAngelis

Sheriff Mike Neal
Arkansas Sheriff Mike Neal was instrumental in ending a brutal gun battle that resulted in the death of two officers and critically injuring two others. Sheriff Neal ended the threat by ramming his state-issued patrol vehicle into the minivan carrying the two killers. While under direct gunfire, Sheriff Neal engaged the two killers in a fierce gun battle and eliminated any further threat, thus saving several lives. Sheriff Mike Neal was named the 2011 International Officer of the Year and in 2012, was the 58th recipient of the Congressional Medal of Valor from the President of the United States.
Sheriff Neal remains the most decorated Wildlife Officer in the history of Arkansas Game & Fish. In 2014, Sheriff Neal was elected as the Monroe County Sheriff where he currently serves. Sheriff Neal continues to speak nationwide on the threat to our nation and promotes the use of the Hero911 and Guard911 services.
Colonel Chris Owens

Mark Beckwith

Ron Borsch