The Warning Signs of Teen Violence
These signs can give parents, teachers and friends some guidance if they begin to worry for a loved one. While this is not a comprehensive list, many of these behaviors can indicate a teen in trouble; especially if these behaviors were previously out of character for the teen.- Regular loss of temper, fits of rage
- Frequent physical fighting
- Significant property damage or vandalism
- Increase in risk taking behavior
- Use of drugs or alcohol
- Detailed discussion or plans to commit acts of violence
- Increased fascination with weaponry
- Increased fascination with dying or death
- Gang membership or the strong desire to be in a gang
- Withdrawal from friends, family or usual activities
- Acting threatening to others
- A marked change in school performance
- Trouble controlling emotions
- A history of run-ins with authorities or discipline problems
- A constant feeling of being disrespected or ignored
- Failing to acknowledge the feelings or rights of others
- Having been a victim of bullying